Bốn người tử nạn khi ngồi trên xe VinFast ở Mỹ.


Chú bộ đội
Vụ tai nạn xe đâm vào gốc cây làm bốn người chết khi ngồi trên xe VinFast ở mẽo, kiểu gì cũng ảnh hưởng tới giá cp khi đã rất tồi tệ rồi.
Nếu điều tra ra lỗi của xe chắc anh Vượng cút xéo khỏi mẽo luôn quá.

phút bn nhắc tên hãng v m
2:31 nhé mày

Cho thằng nào lười xem.
The family was driving a Vinfast. It's a car that's made from a company that's Vietnamese. It's a Vietnamese manufacturer and they've only been around a couple of years. I spoke with a family friend off-camera, she told me that she wants police to investigate to see if the car malfunctioned. Other people stopping by here want this to be a somber reminder to all that you need to be careful out there, you need to take it slow.
Sửa lần cuối:
The family was driving a Vinfast. It's a car that's made from a company that's Vietnamese. It's a Vietnamese manufacturer and they've only been around a couple of years. I spoke with a family friend off-camera, she told me that she wants police to investigate to see if the car malfunctioned. Other people stopping by here want this to be a somber reminder to all that you need to be careful out there, you need to take it slow.
Sửa lần cuối:
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