Có Hình Mỗi ngày học 100 câu tiếng anh để thoát giai cấp xàm lít

2021: i want a girlfriend
2023: i want to be a better person
i asked my heart why cant i sleep at night

heart replied:
because you slept in the afternoon, dont act like u re in love
all women are manipulative sociopath & self-serving narcissists ... just pick the emotionally intelligent one that wants to build with u and move on
Honestly, by the time you're 34, all the phýical requirements go out the window
like u secretly pray that he ll be taller than u
not an asshole would be nice. someone who enjoys my company, comes from a good family
u dont think about that when u re younger
i dont know someone who wants kids
likes kids. wants kids
healthy enough to play with his kids
please let him earn more money than i do
u might not understand that now, but believe me, u will one day
otherwise that's a recipe for disaster
and hopefully some hair on his dead
but i mean even that's not a deal breaker these days
a nice smile
yeah, a nice smile
nice smile just might do it
wow, that was depressing
i should just date women
tried it
we're no picnic ourselves
i don't mind being married to my career
and i don't expect it to hold me in bed as i fall asleep
ví dụ đây: là mấy câu riêng lẻ ko liên quan đến nhau
- I'm working in London for a Sports magazine
- The film starts at seven
- When I was young, my family lived overseas
I know a lot of you have challenges in your lives right now
- There were times when I missed having a father in my life
- What makes great typography great?
- Every rep that I do gets me closer to the goal
- The dream is that you could take that top 10% and have them help the others to get best practices, the best teaching ideas to spread all over the country
- There' huge opportunities there
M trả lời thiếu t cái này nè
turn on/turn of
plug in / unplug
switch on/switch of
turn up, turn down
open/ close
pick up/ put down
- I am a PhuHo boy but I also need to improve my English in order to pursue a Western "mui mit."
- There's a post for me to study English deeply.

nhìn ngu vl
hong lan is the best beautiful girl i have meet i alway think about her